Release 2.8.2 of pretix

Today, we are releasing the next monthly release of pretix. pretix 2.8 includes a timeline view of your event, direct emails to your attendees and lots of improvements and little features everywhere. Big thanks go out to Andrikopoulos-Giannis, Bostjan Marusic, Chris Spy, GiorgosPap, markiousi, mapostolopoulou, ligi, lislis, ThanosTeste, and Tobias Kunze who contributed to this release. ❤️
pretix 2.8.2 is now available for installation via pip
. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the
next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.
Note: Version 2.8.0 was skipped since we found a security-critical bug seconds after we released it. We removed the package from PyPI less than two minutes after its release. A security announcement will follow.
pretix allows you to configure your event in many detail, and sometimes, it gets a little confusing, especially when you're dealing with lots of events. One of the things we heard that many of you found most confusing is working with settings that concern dates and times, since they are easily forgotten when copying an event and cause unexpected consequences.
To make things clearer, we're now including a timeline on your event dashboard that shows you in detail everything that will happen to your event until it's over and gives you easy access to all those settings in case you need to change them:
E-mails to attendees
When a ticket is sold, we've alwayas been sending an email to the buyer with information on the ticket. However, especially with business events, the buyer of a ticket is not necessarily attending the event themselves, they might be an HR person booking a conference ticket for another employee, or it might be a group booking where one person books tickets for many of their colleagues.
In this case, emails tend to get lost pretty quickly. Therefore, we're now introducing the option to also send booking confirmations and tickets directly to all individual attendees. To enable it, you first need to check "Ask for email addresses per ticket" in the general event settings and then enable the respective email templates in your email settings.
Of course, we also added the option to send emails to attendees directly to our mailing tool, in case you need to reach out to all your participants:
Smaller changes and bugfixes
Greek can now be selected as a language.
A bug in the order change interface has been fixed that lead to wrong money amounts being suggested if a product was configured with a tax-exclusive price.
Public event pages now have OpenGraph tags to show proper images and titles when shared in social media.
Notification emails to admin users now have the event short form in their subject.
Invoice generation can now be restricted to specific sales channels and by default is only active for the "web" sales channel.
If a cart contains products from an event series, the event time is now shown in the cart for every line.
During checkout, the invoice address country is now pre-filled with a guess taken from the seller's country or the user's shop language.
The sender name for outgoing emails is now configurable.
If you have any tax rules defined in your event, specifying one for each product is now required.
Data exports no longer output empty files.
When choosing a font in display settings, a preview of all fonts is now shown.
If a user clicks a link sent via email, we now store the fact that we know the email address works.
When creating an event, the selection of organizers and the selection of an event to copy from now use autocompleted fields, making it easier to deal with a large number of events.
When cloning events, test mode is now copied as well.
New events now start in test mode by default.
It is now possible to add multiple addresses that receive all emails in as Bcc recipients.
A layout bug on the order detail page has been fixed.
The order details page no longer contains a "Cancellation" section if there are no options for self-service cancellation.
The list of quotas now shows specific variations that are connected.
When creating quotas, the name is now automatically filled witht he connected products.
Very long object history columns are now cut off and have a "View more" link.
A bug has been fixed that prevented the removal of answers to a question.
The background task
has been optimized not to use long-running database queries. -
The user view for system administrators now shows the date and time of last login.
Custom locale paths can now be specified in
, as well as languages that should be enabled even though they are incubating.
Updates to official plugins and tools
- pretix-servicefees has been release in version 1.3.0 to allow to charge a fee per ticket. Thanks to Thomas Hollstegge for the contribution!
Plugin API changes
- A new signal validate_order has been added to reject orders based on custom criteria.
REST API changes
Events and organizers now have stable and documented ordering options.
Cloning events now also copies over the value of