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Release 3.16.0 of pretix

26. Feb. 2021

Today, we are releasing pretix 3.16.0. This release brings an bulk-edit option for event series dates, pictures in ticket layouts, and much more.

Big thanks go to Irmantas, Jaakko Rinta-Filppula, Maarten van den Berg, and Ondřej Sokol who contributed to this release. ❤️

pretix 3.16.0 is now available for installation via pip. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.

Bulk-edit of event series dates

When using pretix to handle use-cases with time slots, you quickly end up with event series containing hundreds or thousands of dates. If configuration changes come up, such as an increased or decreased quota, it has previously required a lot of steps to update a larger number of dates at once.

With the new release, we provide a bulk-edit mode that allows you to quickly update all or many dates in an event series at once.

Pictures in layouts

Ticket and badge layouts just got way more powerful: They can now include dynamic images. These could be provided by future plugins, but they can also contain user-uploaded images in file question fields. This allows to put photos of attendees on their tickets and badges.

This will become even more useful with new versions of pretixSCAN and pretixPOS being rolling out in the next weeks adding support for taking pictures when selling or scanning tickets.

Improved meta properties

Most major organizations using pretix across multiple business units use our custom meta properties. This feature allows them to define their own event-level fields. This makes it easier to connect pretix events with other internal systems. We've now extended this feature in multiple ways:

  • You can now mark a field as required which will prevent publishing an event that does not have a value in that field.

  • You can now provide a fixed list of allowed values that can be chosen.

  • You can now mark a field as restricted which will restrict filling in data to people with admin access to your organizer account.

Smaller changes and bugfixes

Ticket shop and widget

  • By default, customers can no longer change their personal information after their ticket has been checked in a first time.

  • A validation error has been fixed that caused VAT IDs being for the wrong country to be accepted.

  • The order of payment providers is now alphabetical by their public-facing name, not by their internal name.

  • An imprint link and contact email address can now be added on organizer level.

  • We've added additional markup to make it easier for screen readers to understand the structure of the page.

  • Widget: The <pretix-widget> element now takes a disable-iframe attribute to force opening the checkout process in a new tab.

  • Widget: The <pretix-button> element now takes a subevent attribute.

Ticketing backend and configuration

  • It is now possible to inspect change logs of organizer accounts.

  • When marking an order as paid, one can now disable an email being sent to the customer.

  • When sending mass emails, recipients can now be filtered by the date of their order.

  • When emailing multiple vouchers to the same recipient, the voucher codes are now correctly split into multiple lines.

  • The check-in list CSV export now includes the time of order.

  • The voucher CSV export now includes a column with the voucher comment.

  • When exporting to XLSX, all Characters that aren't supported in XLSX documents are now removed.

  • A bug was fixed that caused check-in lists to be saved with the wrong auto-exit time.

  • A bug in the check-in list rule editor has been fixed causing incorrect date configurations to be saved.

  • The current state is now selected when modifying the attendee address of an order.

  • When changing event or series date details, all PDF tickets are now removed from cache.

  • A new name format including salutation, given name, and family has been added.

  • When exporting all invoice PDF files as a ZIP file, the filenames now include order codes.

  • Chrome's autocompletion feature is now disabled for all date and time fields.

  • Guessing of geo-locations with non-ASCII characters has been fixed.

  • Input errors during export creation are now displayed more reliably.

  • The list of teams of an organizer account is now sorted alphabetically.

Runtime and server environment

  • This update fixes compatibility with version 3.4.x of the cryptography Python package.

  • The docker container now outputs more verbose logs.

  • The runperiodic commands now classifies output lines with a log level for easier filtering.

Updates to official plugins and tools

  • pretix-resellers has been released in version 2.0.1 to fix a minor user interface issue.

  • pretix-seating has been released in version 1.6.3 to fix minor user interface issues.

Plugin API changes

  • The signal layout_image_variables has been added.

  • The signal global_footer_link has been added.

  • The shipped version of some bundled JavaScript libraries have been increased: Vue.js from 2.4.0 to 2.6.12 and moment.js from 2.14 to 2.19.

REST API changes

  • The frontpage_text attribute has been added to the subevent resource.

  • The order position resource now returns URLs for file question answers.

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist der Gründer und Haupt-Entwickler von pretix. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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