
Release 2024.11.0 of pretix

27. Nov. 2024

Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.11.0. This release is the final release of 2024 and mostly a maintenance release while we work on new features behind the scenes.

Big thanks go out to Anarion Dunedain, arjan-s, Casper Schack, Christian de Die le Clercq, cpoisnel, CVZ-es, Damiano, gabriblas, Gravity Fox, Jakub Stribrny, Jonathan Berger, Katrine Tella, Kei Ogane, Mika Andrianarijaona, Mossroy, mscherer, Patrick Chilton, Pavle Ergović, Tinna Sandström, and Yasunobu YesNo Kawaguchi who contributed to this release. ❤️

pretix 2024.11.0 is now available for installation via pip. The new Docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.

Smaller changes and bugfixes

Ticket shop and widget

  • Fixed an issue with moving "back" during checkout when the add-on step is empty.

  • Improved color derivation for alert messages.

  • Stripe: Support for "MobilePay" has been added.

  • Stripe: Automatically disable Sofort on the date of its discontinuation.

  • The "all" option of event list filters is now explicitly named.

  • "Email" is now consistently spelled "email" and not "e-mail" throughout the system.

Ticketing backend and configuration

  • Added safeguard against accidentally creating events with no tax rule.

  • Re-ordering of the "dates" navigation entry in event series below the "products" navigation entry.

  • In scheduled mails, the {event} placeholder now refers to the title of the date of the series, not the entire series. All existing texts will be updated to use the new {event_series_name} automatically.

  • Importing vouchers that are valid for all dates of an event series is now possible.

  • Check-in history: The type of scanned medium (barcode or NFC) is now visible.

  • A bug has been fixed that prevents scheduled mails to be sent to ticket holders for the wrong date.

  • The irrelevant expiry date is no longer shown for orders pending approval.

  • The deprecated auto-checkin functionality has been removed in favor of the plugin introduced with pretix 2024.8.

  • A performance issue has been fixed when filtering a check-in list for checked-in attendees.

  • The export of all badges allows to filter and sort by order date.

Updates to official plugins and tools

  • The Digital Content plugin has been released in version 1.5.0 to improve presentation of content available for multiple attendees.

  • The Exhibitors plugin has been released in version 1.12.1 to fix minor user interface issues.

  • The Pages plugin has been released in version 1.6.3 to ensure compatibility with pretix 2024.11.0.

  • The pretixPOS backend plugin has been released in version 3.15.4 to ensure compatibility with pretix 2024.11.0.

  • The Reseller plugin has been released in version 2.13.1 to ensure compatibility with pretix 2024.11.0.

  • The Tracking codes plugin has been released in version 2.15.0 to add optional support for enhanced Google Ads tracking.

  • The ZUGFeRD invoices plugin has been released in version 2.2.2 to ensure compatibility with pretix 2024.11.0.

Runtime and server environment

  • A new config flag was added to disable argon2id as a password hasher, because the implementation does not run on servers with a small number of CPU cores.

Plugin API changes

  • The bleach version was updated to 6.x which might require changes to your plugin if you use it.

  • Device security profiles can now be added from plugins.

REST API changes

  • The cancellation_date attribute has been added to the order resource.

  • Deleting check-in lists now behaves as documented.

  • A bug has been fixed that caused the sales_channel field to be required when creating cart positions.

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von pretix und leitet unsere Entwicklungsabteilung. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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