Release 2025.3.0 of pretix
Today, we are releasing pretix 2025.3.0. This release includes an improvement to our plugin settings page as well as many small changes throughout the system.
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie stets aktuelle Informationen zu unserem Produkt sowie nützliche Tipps und Tricks zum Event-Management. Alle neuen Versionen von pretix sowie Sicherheitshinweise werden hier angekündigt. Wir posten alle neuen Einträge auch auf unserem Mastodon-Profil. Zusätzlich haben wir einen „behind the scenes“-Blog mit Geschichten aus unserer Technikabteilung und dem Innenleben unserer Firma. Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass wir derzeit viele Neuigkeiten nur auf Englisch veröffentlichen.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2025.3.0. This release includes an improvement to our plugin settings page as well as many small changes throughout the system.
Ankündigung: Am Mittwoch, 26. März um 11 Uhr dreht sich in unserem kostenlosen Webinar alles um pretixPOS, unser Kassensystem für den Ticketverkauf vor Ort.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2025.2.0. This is mostly a maintenance release to pretix itself, but we have a few significant changes around our documentation and pretixPOS to highlight.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2025.1.0. The first release of the new year includes features around electronic invoices, dunning, custom domains, and many other large and small changes.
Zum 01.01.2025 wird in Deutschland die "elektronische Rechnung" eingeführt. Mit pretix sind Sie bereit – wir zeigen Ihnen, wie.
Dank unserer neuen Partnerschaft mit Mollie profitieren pretix Kund*innen von besseren Konditionen - und das fast von selbst.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.11.0. This release is the final release of 2024 and mostly a maintenance release while we work on new features behind the scenes.
Wir sind PCI-DSS-zertifiziert! Dies ist sowohl für Ihren Datenschutz und Ihre Informationssicherheit wichtig, erspart Ihnen aber auch zusätzlichen administrativen Aufwand, wenn Ihr Zahlungsdienstleister eine Zertifizierung nach PCI-DSS verlangt.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.10.0. This release includes a new cross-selling feature, a HubSpot integration, as well as improvements to our badge printing.
Das neue Jahr rückt mit schnellen Schritten näher und 2025 bringt einiges an neuen gesetzlichen Anforderungen mit, die Sie und Ihren Ticketshop betreffen.
Today, we are releasing version 1.0.6 of our WordPress plugin fixing one security-relevant bug. Please make sure to update your WordPress installation as soon as possible.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.9.0. This is mostly a maintenance release while we prepare the next amazing features behind the scenes.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.8.0. It's summer on this hemisphere, so everything is happening a little slower than usual, but we still compiled some exciting new features for you!
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.7.1 fixing one security-relevant bug.
Please make sure to update your pretix installation as soon as possible.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.7.0. This release includes a new way to handle sales channels, an integration with GetYourGuide, and more.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.6.0. As we are currently working on multiple major changes in the background, this release mostly includes smaller changes throughout the system.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.5.0. This release introduces a time machine to our test mode and a number of smaller changes throughout the system.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.4.0. This is release introduces new import capabilities, account security improvements and a number of smaller changes throughout the system.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.3.0. This is mostly a maintenance release with a number of useful changes throughout the system.
Today, we are releasing pretix 2024.2.0. Among other things, the release includes improvements for pretixLEAD, unavailable products and shipping.