

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie stets aktuelle Informationen zu unserem Produkt sowie nützliche Tipps und Tricks zum Event-Management. Alle neuen Versionen von pretix sowie Sicherheitshinweise werden hier angekündigt. Wir posten alle neuen Einträge auch auf unserem Mastodon-Profil. Zusätzlich haben wir einen „behind the scenes“-Blog mit Geschichten aus unserer Technikabteilung und dem Innenleben unserer Firma. Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass wir derzeit viele Neuigkeiten nur auf Englisch veröffentlichen.

Release 2023.10.0 of pretix

29. Nov. 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 2023.10.0. With filters added to the event overview and new check-in capabilities, this is an exciting final release for the year.

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Release 2023.8.0 of pretix

26. Sept. 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 2023.8.0. This includes new capabilities for our discounts system, improvements to scheduled emails, and a lot more!

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Release 2023.7.0 of pretix

28. Juli 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 2023.7.0. This release includes support for NFC gift cards with a higher security level, emails on failed payments and of course lots of smaller improvements all around.

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Release 2023.6.0 of pretix

27. Juni 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 2023.6.0. This release includes a check-in simulator, improved cross-organizer acceptance of gift cards, as well as lots of small changes throughout the system.

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Release 4.20.0 of pretix

31. Mai 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.20.0. This is mostly a maintainance release with bugfixes and minor improvements as we are working on bigger changes in the background.

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Release 4.19.0 of pretix

26. April 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.19.0. This release introcudes a new experimental concept of connecting tickets to reusable media. At the same time, we fix lots of bugs and add minor functionality here and there.

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Release 4.18.0 of pretix

28. März 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.18.0. This is mostly a maintainance release with bugfixes and minor improvements as we are working on bigger changes in the background.

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Release 4.16.0 of pretix

30. Jan. 2023 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.16.0. With scheduled exports, mass emails to new recipient groups, and a fully reimplemented seating plan, this release includes a number of large new features.

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Release 4.15.0 of pretix

30. Nov. 2022 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.15.0, which includes a new plugin interface to integrate with external gift card systems, new customization options for emails and of course lots of smaller improvments throughout the system.

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Release 4.14.0 of pretix

28. Okt. 2022 – Raphael Michel

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.14.0, which includes a new option for voucher management. Other than that, this is mostly a maintenance release, fixing lots of bugs and improving on smaller features throughout the system.

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