Release 3.15.0 of pretix

Today, we are releasing pretix 3.15.0. This release includes lots of improvements around bank transfer payments, adds new functionality to our API and makes it easier to add many time slots at once.
Big thanks go to 0xflotus, albert, alice, Ayan Ginet, Benjamin Hättasch, Jaakko Rinta-Filppula, Li Thomas, luto, Maarten van den Berg, and Maico Timmerman, who contributed to this release. ❤️
pretix 3.15.0 is now available for installation via pip
. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the
next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.
Refunds to a different payment method
Previously, the pretix interface only allowed creating refunds to the same payment method that was used to pay for the order. Any other type of refund was considered a "manual refund" that is no longer tracked by the system. We've now added a way for payment methods to support refunds that are not connected to any prior payment.
Right now, this is only implemented for the bank transfer payment method, so you can now e.g. start a bank transfer refund to a specified IBAN, even if the original payment was made through credit card or PayPal. In the future, other payment providers that allow sending money to some kind of address could support this as well.
Auto-generate time slots
When using pretix for a use case that requires lots of time slots within a day, creating those times used to be a lot of manual work with a great potential for mistakes. We've now added a convenience feature to allow creating many time slots with just a few clicks.
API: File uploads and attendee data manipulation
We closed two of the largest gaps of functionality in our REST API:
Our API now provides a mechanism to upload files and reference them in subsequent API requests. This allows you to set event logos or product pictures programatically. It also unlocks new functionality that will soon be included in our check-in and POS apps.
It is now possible to change attendee data such as names or question answers through the API.
Smaller changes and bugfixes
Ticket shop and widget
If the event's timezone is in a different timezone as the customer, the system will now show both times in more places to avoid confusion.
The "resend links to my tickets" page applies its rate limit on a per-event basis and has an updated text.
The "resend links to my tickets" page now sends links that validate the user's email address when clicked.
In an event series, if adding products to the cart fails, the user is now redirected back to the same date they looked at before.
When selecting an event or date in a calendar-based widget, the detail view now shows the event's description.
If self-service cancellation is available, the user is now shown the payment method the money will be refunded to.
The calendar no longer shows a next/previous month button if there is no next/previous event.
A bug has been fixed that caused "This field is required" to show up twice.
If pretix is embedded (e.g. through the pretix widget) it will now show the location of event series dates.
Ticketing backend and configuration
If you allow self-service cancellation with a donation amount chosen by the user, you can now define a step size.
The list of products now shows the product ID as well as icons to represent the sales channels the product is available on.
We've redesigned the page that is used to choose a refund method for an order.
When creating a refund, you can now enter a comment or refund reason.
Bank transfer: When an imported bank statement contains two identical lines in the same file, they are now correctly considered to be two different payments.
Bank transfer: The "discard" button in the import view has been moved to the right to prevent accidental clicking.
Bank transfer: Refunds are now allowed even if no BIC is set.
Bank transfer: BICs are now recognized in MT940 files.
Bank transfer: The automatic matching to orders has been improved in a few edge cases.
Bank transfer: You can now define a block list of IBANs that you never want to refund money to (e.g. IBANs of payment service providers).
PayPal: Refunds for payments older than 180 days will no longer be tried, since they always fail.
Waiting list: Vouchers are no longer sent for products that are currently not being sold.
Data shredder: A download of data before shredding is no longer forced for non-fiscal data.
Order list export: There are now two ways to export multiple-choice questions, either as one column or as multiple columns.
The list of refunds can now be sorted using different columns.
If the list of orders is filtered by requested cancellation, the sorting now defaults to the request date.
If the email address of a customer is confirmed, this is now visible in the order history.
When copying an event series date with a seating plan, blocked seats are now copied as well.
When creating new dates in an event series, name and location are now pre-filled from the event's settings.
When creating a large number of vouchers, performance with MySQL has been improved slightly.
Issues that would usually prevent an event from going live are now displayed even if the event is already live.
A bug in the date filter of the "order tax list" export has been fixed.
The advanced search in the list of orders now allows to search for the paid amount.
The format of date input fields is now shown correctly.
Event short forms can no longer end in a
Order codes can no longer contain the character
Runtime and server environment
endpoint now exposes two new metricspretix_celery_tasks_queued_count
. -
MapQuest-based geo coding is now performed via HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Updates to official plugins and tools
pretix-mailchimp has been released in version 1.4.7 to fix two minor bugs.
pretix-reports has been released in version 1.8.2 to add a filter for test mode.
pretix-resellers has been released in version 2.0.0 to add a number of new features: Excel export of reseller reports, more columns in reseller reports, printable cost statement for all orders, an option to make attendee data required for resellers.
pretix-seating has been released in version 1.6.2 to fix minor UI issues, allow printing of seating plans on larger paper, and copy blocked seats when copying subevents.
pretix-sepadebit has been released in version 1.9.0 to upgrade to a newer PAIN file version.
pretix-shipping has been released in version 1.11.0 to support new export options.
pretix-tracking has been released in version 2.0.0 to support Google Analytics 4.
Plugin API changes
- The payment provider interface contains a number of new methods, such as
, andnew_refund_control_form_process
REST API changes
The API now allows to change attendee information.
File uploads are now supported for settings, question answers, and product pictures.