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Paperless lead collection for conferences and trade fairs

Create additional benefits for your exhibitors and sponsors

Scan QR code on attendee badge
Qualify and rate the scanned lead
Download all data after the event
Accelerate sales process

Why Lead Scanning?

Collecting contact information through business cards and hand-written notes is time-consuming and error-prone. With a digital lead collection process, your exhibitors can focus on the conversation and rely on getting high-quality data directly from the source.

App for your exhibitors

Every exhibitor will get an access code for our app pretixLEAD, available for Android and iOS. With this app, exhibitors scan QR codes on attendee badges or tickets, classify scanned leads from 1 to 5 and take notes on the conversation they had.

After the event

With the same access code, the exhibitors can log in to a web-based interface inside your ticket shop. In this interface, they will see a report on all collected data and are able to download the raw data as an excel file for further processing. This way, data can be moved to any CRM system with ease.

Controlled data flow

You, the event organizer, can control who can use the lead scanning app to access attendee data. You can also control which data will be available to exhibitors. Just the name and email address? Full address and phone number? Anything is possible. This way, complying with individual privacy requirements is easily possible.

A new source of income for you

You can offer the lead scanning app to your exhibitors for free as part of a booth package – but you can also sell it to them as an additional service at a price you can set yourself. Depending on industry and type of event, prices are usually in the low 3-digit range.

Transparent pricing

We'll charge you a licensing fee of €25 per exhibitor as part of your pretix invoice. Since we only want to get paid if your exhibitors actually like the service, we'll only count exhibitors who've used the app to scan a QR code at least once.

Any questions?
+49 6221 32177-50 Mo-Fr 09:00 AM–05:00 PM