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Legal notice

pretix is a product by

rami.io GmbH
Berthold-Mogel-Straße 1
69126 Heidelberg

Email: support@pretix.eu
Phone: +49 (0) 6221 32177-50

Registered at Amtsgericht Mannheim as HRB 738451
Managing Director: Raphael Michel

EU VAT ID: DE337556328

rami.io GmbH ist not the merchant selling the event tickets available on pretix.eu. For questions on the particular events, please refer to the event's organizer.

Liability notice

All information, prices etc. concerning specific events that use pretix for their ticket sales are not created by us but by the respective event organizers. We cannot take any liability for the correctness of those contents, nor for any problems arising in the context of the ticket sales or the execution of the actual event.

Links on event-related pages are set by the resepective event organizers who are responsible for the event. We cannot be assumed to control those links on a regular basis and exclude any liability for the contents of the linked pages. If you come across illegal contents on pages linked by a pretix-hosted event, please contact us immediately and we will take action to remove the link.

We take great care when creating our own page contents (i.e. the pages not related to a specific event). However, we cannot give any guarantees for the correctness, currentness or completeness of those pages.

Our page contains links to external websites created by third-party authors. We are not able to influence the content of those pages and only the owner of the linked page is responsible for its contents. We checked them for obviously illegal content at the time we created the link but we can't check them continously. If you come across illegal contents on pages linked by a us, please contact us immediately and we will take action to remove the link.

Any questions?
+49 6221 32177-50 Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Uhr