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This page lists all major features available in pretix. We grouped them by the different stages your event planning goes through over time. Have fun exploring! If you're bored by just reading about the features, why not just try it out yourself? We won't charge for test accounts.

Note that not all features are available with every edition of pretix and some are only added via plugins. We marked all features with the symbol if they are only available in the Hosted and Enterprise Editions, but not in the pretix Community Edition.

Ticket shop features

Customizable user experience

You run the event, you deserve the fame. Our mobile- and tablet-friendly ticket shop adjusts to your event and comes in your colors and style and with your logo. Your customers will immediately identify the shop with you – our own branding is subtle and in the background.

If you want to go even further, you can run the shop on your own domain. We'll provide an SSL certificate for free, just contact us.

If you bring attendees from multiple cultural backgrounds together, you will love that you can publish your ticket shop in multiple languages at the same time. Our interface currently supports German, Dutch, and English.

Using our mini-CMS, you can add static content directly to the ticket shop website. This provides an easy way for you to host e.g. your terms of service, an event description or other static content. For small events, it might even replace an event website.

Flexible product structures

One of our greatest assets is our flexible product system that adjusts even to very complex scenarios. We're pretty sure it can handle your event without any effort!

Products can be grouped into categories and come in multiple variations. For example, you could sell t-shirts together with your tickets and configure the different sizes as variations, or you could sell the same tickets to different groups of persons, e.g. reduced prices for students.

With add-on products, you can go a step further and create product packages. For example, when selling a conference ticket to your main conference, you can offer additional workshops that can only be bought togehter with a conference ticket.

You can also use this feature to let your users choose from different tracks of your event they want to attend and keep in control of the available number of seats for each track.

If you are a non-profit and want to allow your attendees to donate more into the conference budget, you can create products which allow the user to increase the price to their liking.

User-friendly seating plans

You are welcome to use pretix for reserved seating events. Ticket buyers can choose their own seats on an interactive seating plan. We can handle every venue from small cinemas or ballrooms up to large-scale stadiums.

With our graphical plan editor you can create your own seating plans to use with pretix quickly and conveniently. Inside pretix, you get full control over mapping seats to pricing categories for every event. Of course, you can also block seats from being sold, e.g. when you sell some rows through other channels.

Ask what you need to know

It is totally up to you what you want to know about your attendees. You can define any number of questions of multiple types that the system will ask during registration.

You can use free-text answers, let your attendees select one or more options you provided, or allow them to upload a file. In the end, you will get a statistical overview of all given answers.

Your event is for professionals only? You can add an approval process to approve or deny every participant manually.

Embeddable into your website

What you see here is not a screenshot, but a fully functional ticket shop. Try to buy a ticket, if you want!

This means you can embed your ticket shop into your website to allow your attendees to buy their ticket without even leaving your event website. While you're at it, you can style the widget to match your website's design completely.

Widget documentation

Customer accounts & Memberships

Optionally, you can allow your customers to sign up for a customer account in your ticket shop to build a broad customer base and allow easier checkout for future purchases.

If you want to offer discounts to regular customers, you can use pretix to sell various kinds of memberships. You can use this feature to sell access to 11 events at the price of 10, to sell an all-year access pass, and many other models.

Automated waiting list

Your event is very popular and you always have a full house? That's great! But what about those last-minute refund or cancellation requests, isn't it sad if those seats stay empty?

As soon as your event is sold out, our waiting list allows visitory of the shop to register their interest in a ticket. When a ticket becomes available again (e.g. due to expiry of a payment term, cancellation, etc.), the first person on the waiting list will have the option to buy the ticket within two days. After that deadline passes, the option will be given to the next person on the list and so on.

Of course, this is optional. You can also switch it to manual mode and decide yourself when and who someone from the list gets a ticket.

Next: Marketing features »

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