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You can get pretix for your event in multiple ways. You can install it on your own server and maintain it yourself, but the easiest way to get started selling tickets are our hosted versions: You get all features and don't need to worry about servers and technology, ever. Just focus on your event!

Scroll left and right to see the whole table!

pretix Edition Hosted Free Hosted
Ticket volume ≤ 2 500 tickets per year
free tickets only
System fee for paid tickets
(End customer pays for ticket/product)
not possible 2.5 %
of the ticket price excl. taxes
never more than €15 per ticket
Discounts for large customers available
System fee for free tickets
(Guests, free events, …)
up to 2 500 per year
up to 2 500 per year, more on request
Payment processing fee Depending on the payment providers of your choice, e.g. your bank, PayPal, Stripe, or Mollie. View all
Sales channels
Online ticket shop
pretix Widget
Shop embedded in your website
Connect own ticket outlets
pretixPOS cash register
Reserved seating ¹ ¹
Check-in apps pretixSCAN
All ticketing features
Administrative users unlimited unlimited
Exports and full API access
Exhibitor management
(trade fairs and conferences)
Exhibitor login & voucher management
Lead Scanning app € 25 / exhibitor²
Mailchimp, Sendinblue, CleverReach, rapidmail
Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads, LinkedIn, GTM, Hubspot, GoSquared, PIWIK Pro, …
Event platforms
Venueless, LineUpr, MeetToMatch, …
Access control systems
pretix Turnstile, Portalum, CardPass3, …
Email support
reply by next business day

Phone support
subject to availability
Let's go Get started

Discounts for non-profit and academic events are available on request.

Please note: Depending on your location, VAT or other taxes will be added to all of the following prices. Our services are only available to businesses and similar entities, not to consumers or end users.

Footnote 1: The initial creation of most seating plans can be performed free of charge through our graphical editor. For complex or very large plans that need to be created by us, we charge between € 90 and € 360 depending on the size and complexity of the plan.

Footnote 2: You are only charged for exhibitors that actually used this feature.

Frequently asked questions on pretix Hosted

Why should I choose pretix Hosted over Enterprise or Community?

With pretix Hosted, you get all features we have without any risk: If you don't sell any tickets, there is no charge. If you have any questions, our support team can take a look together with you and we can resolve problems quickly.

At the same time you profit from our redundant server cluster with high reliability, automated off-site backups and monitoring, as well as a team that cares about keeping the systems up to date and secure at any time.

How do I pay my fees?

At the end of each month, we'll send you an invoice that you can pay to us via SEPA debit, credit card or bank transfer.

What does the maximum ticket fee mean?

Normally, we charge 2.5 % per ticket. However, if you sell tickets for more than 600 € each, we will still charge only 15 € per ticket, even though 2.5 % would be more. If you use a different currency than EUR, we'll apply a similar limit at a value roughly corresponding to 15 € in your currency.

What currencies can I use?

Any currency supported by the payment provider of your choice. In most cases, we'll convert the resulting fee to EUR using a standard conversion rate before invoicing it to you.

What are payment provider fees?

When you process payments, you'll can either accept payments via your usual bank account or use one of our seamlessly integrated payment providers like PayPal, or Stripe. Those payment providers also take a cut, ranging from a few cents to a few percent – depending on the payment method. Check there websites for details or talk to us, we can advice you.

Is there a minimum term of contract?

No! If you don't want to use our service any more, just stop stelling tickets and we'll stop invoicing fees. It's that simple!

Is there a free option?

Yes! The hosted service is free if you only distribute free tickets. This is valid for up to 2,500 tickets per year through our service. If you are planning to exceed that, please contact us for custom pricing.

We consider tickets to be free if your customers get access to your event without paying anything. It does not matter whether they pay online, if they pay in cash at the door, we will still consider it a paid ticket and charge our fee.

How is the fee calculated exactly?

We only charge for orders that are successfully paid. We'll calculate 2.5 % from every sold product's price (that includes products that are not tickets), round this to two decimal places and sum it up. Then, we'll subtract everything you already paid us and invoice the remainder to you every month.

How are taxes handled?

We will charge 2.5 % of the net price of your tickets, so if you charge tickets with VAT, we will subtract the VAT amount before calculcating our share.

However, when you are resident within Germany, we'll need to add 19 % VAT (July–December 2020: 16 %) to the invoice total ourselves. The same applies if you are resident in the EU but can not provide a valid VAT ID number.

What happens if I cancel my event or some orders?

There is no cancellation fee. If one or more orders are canceled, we wont re-pay you for the ticket fees you already paid to us, but we'll credit them to your account and set them off against the next invoice you receive from us, making your next event cheaper!

Can I use other ticket services as well?

Of course! We won't lock you in, ever.

Any questions?
+49 6221 32177-50 Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Uhr