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Release 4.18.0 of pretix

March 28, 2023

Today, we are releasing pretix 4.18.0. This is mostly a maintainance release with bugfixes and minor improvements as we are working on bigger changes in the background.

Big thanks go to alemao8, chondaen12, Daniel Lopez, Hanna Happl, Michael Happl, Michele Pagnozzi, and Vasco Baleia who contributed to this release. ❤️

pretix 4.18.0 is now available for installation via pip. The new Docker images will appear on Docker over the next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.

Integration of city gift cards

We have implemented an integration of the gift card solutions by Zmyle and Stadtguthaben within pretix. Gift card networks by these two vendors are deployed in almost 200 cities throughout Germany and many individual companies. You can now accept these gift cards through your ticket shop as well!

Smaller changes and bugfixes

Ticket shop and widget

  • When entering an address, the state selection for Mexican addresses now includes the correct list of selections.

  • A new option allows you to hide all past events from the event calendar.

  • The organizer-level privacy policy can now be set to a different URL based on the language.

  • Product variations are now visibly indented on the main shop page.

  • Widget: A styling issue and an accessibility issue concerning the close button have been fixed.

  • Widget: The voucher attribute now properly works with a seating plan.

  • Ticket PDFs now contain a more machine-readable version of the barcode in a hidden text element to make it easier for third-party systems to parse the tickets.

Ticketing backend and configuration

  • You can now optionally allow your individual attendees to make changes to their chosen add-on products.

  • You can now optionally allow your customers to make changes to their order even after a check-in has been made.

  • The Czech language is now enabled as an unofficial language.

  • Automated emails are no longer sent if your event is not "live".

  • You can now use larger numeric values for prices, allowing more cases of using low-value currencies. Specifically, prices can now be up to 9999999999999.99 of whatever currency you are using (instead of 99999.99 before).

  • Bank transfer: The organizer-level bank data import now works even if your events use different currencies.

  • The check-in history view now allows you to search for devices, products and gates more conveniently.

  • The check-in log export now allows you to filter by date range.

  • The order data export now contains localized salutations in names.

  • The order detail view and the check-in history view now allow you to easily copy a ticket secret to your clipboard.

  • A bug was fixed that caused a non-functional login page in response to some actions performed after a session timeout.

  • You can now configure the payment method "manual payments" to require immediate invoicing.

  • When creating vouchers, you can now preview the generated email message.

  • The PDF layout editor now allows changing the layout name and shows a success state after the layout has been saved.

  • A bug in the question answer data shredder has been fixed.

  • A bug has been fixed that caused a question to not be optional in the backend.

  • A bug has been fixed that prevented using a custom sorting after making use of the extended order search.

  • When creating an event series, a check-in list is no longer created by default. Instead, when creating individual dates, a check-in list is added by default.

  • When a voucher is created for someone on the waiting list, their name is now added to the voucher's comment.

Updates to official plugins and tools

  • The Certificates plugin has been released in version 1.9.0 to support the new features in the PDF layout editor.

  • The Exhibitors plugin has been released in version 1.4.0 to improve validation of user inputs. As a new feature, exhibitors can now see how much discount a voucher applies.

  • The Mollie plugin has been released in version 1.5.2. The QR codes shown for bank transfer payments now align with the native bank transfer module.

  • The Offline sales plugin has been released in version 1.8.1 to support date-specific pricing in event series.

  • The Pages plugin has been released in version 1.5.2 to fix the deletion of pages.

  • The pretixPOS Backend plugin has been released in version 3.10.0 to add new permission levels for cashiers.

  • The Reports plugin has been released in version 1.16.0 to add event date filtering to the fees report and add event meta data to the quota utilization report.

  • The Resellers plugin has been released in version 2.7.1 to fix minor issues and to be compatible with new pretix versions.

  • The SEPA debit plugin has been released in version 2.4.0 to expose its exporter on organizer level.

  • The TICKeos KombiTicket plugin has been released in version 1.2.1 to fix a crash.

  • The Venueless plugin has been released in version 1.3.0 to support the new features introduced in the last pretix release.

Runtime and server environment

No changes.

Plugin API changes

No changes.

REST API changes

  • The list of events now allows to filter by the testmode attribute.

  • A bug was fixed that caused duplicate results in the list of orders using some filter queries.

Raphael Michel

Raphael is the founder and main developer of pretix. He is passionate about user-friendly, elegant software, and when he's not busy building software for conference organizers, he enjoys co-organizing con​fer​en​ces himself.

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